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“Are you alone?” In last season’s Mad Men finale, a beautiful woman in a bar poses that question to Don Draper and it cuts deep because he is. Don’s life—like the advertising world he rules—is a series of big, empty lies.

In season 1, Don tells us, “Advertising is based on happiness. We make the lie, we invent want.” And he ain’t lyin’ about that.

Mad Men is a dark, sexy & stylish AMC drama that delves into the professional & personal lives of ad men and women working on Madison Avenue in the 1960s. The characters are ruthless, competitive, sexist, racist, corrupt, ego-driven souls—with a penchant for drinking on the job and cheating on their spouses.

As season 6 begins, the power players at the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce advertising agency are struggling to keep up with the rapid culture changes swirling around them. In a brilliant scene last season, Don listens to “Tomorrow Never Knows” by the Beatles but he can’t quite wrap his mind around it. This new reality is not his reality—but then again, Don himself isn’t exactly real either.

How will poor Dick Whitman (who’s living a fictional existence as the successful, suave, lady-killer Don Draper) find his place in this brave new world? Let’s break out the martini shaker and find out during the 2-hour premiere Sunday night.

Wanna know if you have what it takes to work at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce? Take the job interview.