Book Buzz – DARK SURF news & goings-on

It’s been more than 2 months since DARK SURF’s release. And as people finish the book, they’ve been asking me, “What happens next???” So here are some answers! (And, don’t worry, there are no spoilers if you haven’t yet finished DARK SURF.)

Will there be a sequel to DARK SURF?

Have you finished writing it?
Yep, a draft of the sequel is complete. It’s now in the hands of my second group of test readers. When this group finishes reading it, I’ll get to work rewriting my manuscript to incorporate several of their comments and suggestions. When I have a new draft complete, I’ll send it out to a third group of test readers. When I receive their feedback, I’ll rewrite again.

What happens after the test readers are done and you’ve finished rewriting?
When I’m satisfied with the story, I’ll send the manuscript to my graphic designer and he’ll lay out the book. When I get the draft layout, I’ll then read the book several times, making minor edits as I go. When I feel the book is ready and there are no more edits to make, I’ll choose a release date and then begin preparing for the big day.

Do you have a release date planned for the DARK SURF sequel?
Not yet. The test reader and editing processes can take several months. So it’s too early to know what the release date will be. But as soon as I do have a date, you’ll be the first to know!

Is there anything I can do to help in the meantime?
Absolutely! Please recommend DARK SURF to your family, friends & acquaintances. And please give the book a rating and/or review on and/or (If you’ve never written an Amazon review, you can find easy, step-by-step instructions here: