Book Buzz

In the March/April 2018 issue of Writer’s Digest magazine, Paul Goat Allen has a very informative article on what it takes to earn a 5-star review. He has worked as a genre fiction book critic and written thousands of reviews for companies like, Publishers Weekly, the Chicago Tribune, and Kirkus Reviews. In this article, he offers 5 criteria that provide a glimpse into how a veteran book reviewer dissects and evaluates a novel.

BlueInk Review logoIn December 2014, Paul Goat Allen chose DARK SURF as one of 10 must-read self-published vampire fiction novels. He said in his review written for BlueInk Review, “This debut novel is so good—so insanely audacious—I actually stood up and applauded when I finished reading it! … This novel blew me away—one of the most imaginative vampire novels I’ve ever read.” Thank you, Mr. Allen, for that review and for this article!